
FBI Data Reveals the Most Dangerous Cities in Illinois


Annual data on crime rates around the United States is released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which offers important insights on the safety of various cities and areas. A number of Illinois cities have been noted as having high rates of criminal activity, which raises questions about the efficiency of law enforcement and public safety. With an emphasis on Danville, Illinois, this article will examine FBI data to identify Illinois’ most dangerous cities.

Danville, Illinois: A City of Concern

With a crime rate that is 213% higher than the state average, Danville, Illinois, has been named the most hazardous city in the state. Danville has 30,479 residents, meaning that there is a 1 in 17 risk that any one of them will fall victim to a crime. The city’s ranking of 15th out of the 100 Most Dangerous Cities in America emphasizes the formidable obstacles it must overcome to address public safety.

Danville’s high crime rate is caused by a number of things, such as social problems, unemployment, and poverty. With 23% of the population living below the poverty level, the city has experienced severe poverty. Crime has increased as a result of the economic downturn, especially property crimes like theft and burglary.

Illinois s Crime Landscape

There are other Illinois cities than Danville that struggle with high rates of crime. Numerous other cities have also been noted as having high crime rates, such as Rockford, Springfield, Chicago, and so forth[3][4]. Like Danville, these cities struggle with social problems, unemployment, and poverty, all of which raise the crime rates.

At 3,351 crimes per 100,000 residents, Chicago, the largest city in Illinois, has a crime rate that is 67% greater than the national average. One in every thirty people of the city faces the risk of becoming a victim of any kind of crime due to the unusually high prevalence of violent crimes, including homicide and gun violence.

At 2,627 crimes per 100,000 residents, Rockford, the third-biggest city in Illinois, has a crime rate that is 50% higher than the national average. The city’s high crime rate is a result of its struggles with unemployment and poverty.

Illinois’s capital city, Springfield, has a crime rate of 2,357 per 100,000 residents, which is 39% more than the average for the country. Public safety has proven to be difficult for the city to manage, especially in high-crime areas.

What Measures Are Being Taken to Improve Safety in Danville, Illinois

Danville, Illinois, is taking various measures to improve safety in the city, including addressing roadway safety needs, property maintenance and code enforcement, and infrastructure improvements.

The Vermilion County Safety Action Plan is a noteworthy program that seeks to mitigate and eradicate traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries within the community. Transportation professionals, the general public, and municipal government worked together to establish the strategy.

The plan identifies Equitable Target Areas (ETAs) and high-injury network (HIN) areas, where serious injury and fatal crashes have occurred, and proposes potential countermeasures for both segments and intersections within rural and urban areas and roadways of various classifications.

The city is also taking action in the areas of code enforcement and property upkeep. The Code Enforcement Division of the city s government is responsible for ensuring that properties within the city comply with the property maintenance code, which includes regulations related to building and housing standards, zoning, and public nuisances.

To boost municipal safety, infrastructural upgrades are also being undertaken. The U.S. Department of Transportation is investing over $1,800,000 into five traffic safety projects throughout Illinois, including projects in Champaign County and the City of Mattoon.

Of the five areas awarded, Champaign County is receiving the largest slice of the funds, $945,000, which will be given to the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission to go towards updating safety data and embedding equity in transportation safety plans. A portion of the cash, totaling $80,000, will go to the City of Mattoon to aid in the creation of an extensive safety action plan.

Overall, Danville, Illinois, is taking a multi-faceted approach to improve safety in the city, including addressing roadway safety needs, property maintenance and code enforcement, and infrastructure improvements. These measures aim to enhance the safety and quality of life for residents and visitors in the city.


FBI data reveals that Illinois faces significant public safety challenges, with several cities, including Danville, having high crime rates. These high crime rates are attributed to various factors, including poverty, unemployment, and social issues. To address these challenges, law enforcement agencies and policymakers must work together to develop effective strategies to reduce crime and improve public safety.

For residents of Danville and other high-crime cities in Illinois, it is crucial to stay informed about crime trends and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property. By staying vigilant and working together, communities can help reduce crime and create safer environments for all residents.

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