
Ohio Is Crawling With Bed Bugs, 3 Cities Among Most Infested


Small insects known as bed bugs can cause infections, allergic responses, and itchy red welts. They feed on human blood. Although they are not known to spread illness, they can have a detrimental effect on an individual’s well-being and quality of life. Because they can crawl into gaps and crevices and hop on clothes, luggage, bedding, and furniture, bed bugs are also exceedingly difficult to eradicate.

Bed Bug Infestations in Ohio

Some of the nation’s best pest control businesses claim that Ohio has a significant bed bug problem. Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, and other Ohio cities were among the top five American cities with the highest concentration of bed bug infestations. In recent years, these cities have experienced an increase in bed bug infestations and have reported a significant number of bed bug complaints to their local health authorities.

The following are a few things that could be causing bed bugs to proliferate throughout Ohio:

  • International travel and commerce, which can introduce bed bugs from other countries and regions.
  • High population density and mobility, which can facilitate the movement of bed bugs between different locations and buildings.
  • Lack of awareness and education, which can prevent people from recognizing and preventing bed bug infestations.
  • Insufficient or improper treatment, which can allow bed bugs to survive and reproduce.

Bed Bug Prevention and Control

Preventing bed bugs from ever entering your home is the best defense against them. Among the preventative advice are:

Before entering your home, make sure your shoes and clothes fit you, especially if you’ve just been somewhere busy like a hotel, dorm, or public transportation.

Before bringing bed bugs into your house, check your possessions and luggage for indicators of their presence, such as live bugs, eggs, fecal stains, or blood stains.

covering your box spring and mattress with a protective cover, and caulking any gaps or crevices in your furniture and bed frame.

putting everything that can’t be cleaned away and washing and drying on high heat any clothing, bedding, and other items that might have come into touch with bed bugs.

Avoiding purchasing or utilizing used clothing, bedding, or furniture, or thoroughly checking them before usage.

In the event that you believe your home is infested with bed bugs, you should get in touch with a qualified pest control expert right once. You run the risk of spreading the bed bugs to other locations or making the infestation worse if you attempt to cure it yourself. An expert can determine the degree of the infestation, implement the best course of action, and track the outcomes.

Bed Bug Laws in Ohio

Although there isn’t a specific regulation in Ohio that deals with bed bugs, there is a general rule that mandates landlords maintain their rental homes in a livable condition. This implies that the landlord has violated the law and could be held accountable for the expenses and losses paid by the renter if a rental property has a bed insect infestation.

But the tenant also has some responsibilities, like:

letting the landlord know about the bed insect issue as soon as you can, ideally in writing.

collaborating on the inspection and treatment process with the landlord and the pest control specialist.

obeying the advice and directions provided by the pest control specialist, including clearing clutter, treating the unit, and getting rid of any infected objects.

not withholding rent or subtracting treatment costs from rent unless the court gives permission to do so.

Tenant may be able to pursue the following legal alternatives if the landlord does not act to remove the bed insect infestation:

requesting a court ruling to force the landlord to make the required maintenance or repairs.

giving the landlord enough notice before ending the lease and leaving the contaminated property.

bringing a lawsuit against the landlord for negligence, breach of the implicit assurance of habitability, or other offenses, and demanding payment for the tenant’s losses and expenses.


In Ohio, bed bugs are a severe and expanding issue that impact numerous communities and their citizens. They pose a risk to people’s health and safety in addition to being an annoyance. As a result, it’s critical to recognize the warning symptoms and potential dangers of bed bug infestations and to take appropriate action to prevent and get rid of them. Additionally, it’s a good idea to be aware of your rights and obligations as a landlord or tenant and, if needed, to obtain legal counsel. Together, we can halt the bed bug epidemic and improve living conditions and safety in Ohio.

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